WPCZ 2BVT Z Courier New (TT)?xxx,#Xx6X@DQX@HP OfficeJet PrinterHPOFFPRI.WRSx  @ ,,[!QX@2@HX|x#|x <"qFrom dan@tibet.org Mon Jan 20 17:12:31 1997 X-Freenet-Flags: RA Return-Path: dan@tibet.org Received: from xanadu.cyborganic.com (root@xanadu.cyborganic.net []) by hela.INS.CWRU.Edu with ESMTP (8.7.6+cwru/CWRU-2.3-freenet-gw) xid RAA00415; Mon, 20 Jan 1997 17:12:24 -0500 (EST) (from dan@tibet.org for ) From: dan@tibet.org Received: from [] (ppp074-stk0.sirius.com []) by xanadu.cyborganic.com (8.8.2/8.7.1) with SMTP id OAA08905 for ; Mon, 20 Jan 1997 14:12:09 -0800 (PST) X-Sender: gizard@cyborganic.net (Unverified) Message-Id: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Date: Mon, 20 Jan 1997 14:15:08 -0600 To: ir358@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (John Goldthwaite) Subject: Re: Hey Bro >If you miss the brutal cold you are more than welcome to come >to cleveland and experience it for as long as you like! Man, it's >fuckin' nipples. Ha ha! It's drizzling pathetically here. > It was great seeing you guys yeah, really amazing to catch up with you guys as well. >but as always there just isn't enough time. Yeah, is true, I ran around like a loon the whole time, came back home and got sick as hell. It was good to have at least hung out and gotten fairly trashed at least once, can't believe it was three years since I'd seen you. > Don't forget Dan, I need >your mailing address so I can send you a tape of the band. >Wayward Buss. Ah, that'd be 611 66th street Oakland CA 94609, looking forward to hearing it! >Also send me the lyrics to that blues tune you >wrote. Yeah? Okay, it's at the bottom of this email, all rights reserved of course! > This year we are going >to St. John (Virgin Isles) and next year we really want to go visit >Rob in Spain. both very worthy destinations. If something falls through there we could potentially >get out to see ya'll then. Hopefully you'll still be livin' out >there by the time we can do it. Mebbe, I think I will probably come back from India this time but next time maybe not. But you can always visit no matter where I am - in fact I would encourage you to come to India if you want to see real mountains. > Did the high water make it down >past Sacramento? affect you guys at all? Not personally, but the footage was pretty awe inspiring. >The Pack is FINALLY >officially BACK. they pretty much walked through the playoffs, I think they'll win. So here's them lyrics, hope you like em, see you round mane! .dan  Wait A Minute Brother i was out of a job not quite out on the street when a friend said buddy, let's get you something to eat i had a nice dinner and he had a proposition for me he said i know you're hurtin, i know you're singing the blues well i got a certain job that i want you to do you'll be livin mighty fine if you can make it for a year or two well i never tried the scam before didn't know what it was he said everybody's doin it it'll give you quite a buzz so i picked up on the gig pushing junk out on the grid but then one day i found out he was workin for the fuzz I said wait a minute brother what you puttin over on me wait a minute brother you gotta understand i may be down and out but i ain't gonna work for the man he said look here my friend you got me all confused i'm just tryin to set you up i think that you got somethin to lose cuz now you owe me for my help and i ain't gonna let you refuse well i was amazed that he thought i was his to command so i quit right on the spot thought i'd make my little stand i told him where to stick it walked away and never looked back now people let me tell you gotta watch out for yourself when folks are on the take they don't care about nothing else they'll sell the blood of babies burn a forest to the ground"h)0*0*0*1"Ԍthey'll feed you with their jive you don't want to be around so listen brothers and sisters i know you gotta agree don't let nobody tell you what you gotta do to be free figure out your own trips baby don't even take it from me